Since Est. 2011

OUR Organisation's HISTORY

Organistion for Indigenous Initiatives and Sustainability, Ghana (ORGIIS Ghana) is a dynamic, growing local non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in Ghana in the year 2011 with Charity Registration No. G-36342. Affitionally, ORGIIS is registered with the Department of Social Welfare in Upper East Region, with Regional and District Directorates in respective regions and districts in Upper East, Upper West and Northern regions. With its expanding scope, relevance, and recognition, ORGIIS plans to extend and expand its operations across the whole of the SADA Zone of Ghana. ORGIIS Ghana runs its Head Office based in Paga in the Upper East Region of Ghana. ORGIIS Ghana implements programmes and undertake project activities across its domain of interest. ORGIIS has set up field offices to facilitate the execution of its prohect activities, and in most cases, by means of partnerships and collaborations with other organisations sharing the same vision and aim within and outside pf Ghana.

  • Lawn Renovation
  • Landscape Lighting
  • Lawn Renovation
  • Landscape Lighting
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Our Strategic Objectives

1. To serve as a catalyst for increased action for sustainable natural resources management and poverty alleviation.
2. To strengthen the capacity of grass roots actors and duty bearers for natural resources conservation and good governance.
3. To promote livelihood enhancement through community enterprising and co-operatives.
4. To use modern ICT tools to bridge the dive between urban and rural dwellers.
5. Network with other organizations in her areas of work

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We Are Best In Our Field

ORGIIS Ghana Thematic Areas

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Agriculture and Natural Resources Management:

Sustainable and responsible natural resource exploitation and conservation through ecosystem base management. ( Ecological farming, wildlife, NTFP value chain, land use, forestry, sustainable energy use, water user management, eco-tourism development, and climate change etc.)

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Community & Enterprise Development:

Facilitation of community social and infrastructural development. Provision of business related services to communities, SMEs, interest groups and individuals, co-operative unions, agricultural & alternative livelihood improvement, entrepreneurial skills development, local business, partnership, value addition as well as enhancing tourism and culture potentials and businesses for peasant families on small and meduim-size forest entreprises.

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Preventive health care, HIV/AIDS education campaigns, family planning, water & sanitation, Education and Sports etc)

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Information Communication Technology

Provide training to community members on the use of ICT tools for development purposes. Use ICT tools in the implementation of the above mention thematic areas for optimum results that will be crosscutting.

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