PartnershIp for sustainable sorghum sourcing in Ghana (p3sG) project
Sponsors: Guinness Ghana Breweries PLC (GGB PLC
Ghana Climate Actions on Livelihoods and Green Value Chains for Posterity
Sponsors: Gower Street
Support project for the sustainable and participatory management of protected areas for a more effective fight against the trafficking of natural resources in Burkina and Ghana
Sponsors: EU
Develop green value chains for the benefit of local populations living on the outskirts of biodiversity-rich areas, with the support of the private sector and civil society
Developing Legally Binding Community By-Laws (CBL) to protect women access to productive Savanna landscape resources such as Shea, baobab, parkia and other productive land resources.
Grow Hope project.
Sponsor: JOAC
Sustainable land and water management project
Sponsor: World Bank and Global Environment
Voice For Change Partnership (Clean Cooking)
Sponsor: SNV
Baobab Green Value Chain Pilot Project
Sponsor: UNCCD
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